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Ready to join Civil Air Patrol - United States Air Force Auxiliary as an Active Adult or Youth Member?  

Here’s how to get started. 


If you are interested in an Aerospace Education Membership, please click here.

If you are interested in a National Patron Membership, please click here.


Step 1.  Find a local Squadron


All active CAP members join through a local squadron.  You can find squadrons near you by entering your zip code or city and state in the online unit locator found on the home page. The local squadron is the best place to find answers to specific questions about membership (examples: What would I do?  How often do you have extra activities?  How quickly can I become a Pilot?)


Types of Squadrons


SENIORSenior squadrons only have an adult program for senior members 18 years of age and older.  Cadets are not accepted into senior squadrons.


CADETCadet squadrons only have a youth program for cadets.  There are senior members in this program, but their purpose is to manage the youth program.  Adults join if their primary interest is working with the cadets.


COMPOSITE: Composite squadrons have both a senior and a cadet program.


Step 2.  Contact the squadron


Call and/or email the unit contact person and confirm the meeting date, time and location.  You can also take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about membership eligibility.  Keep in mind that the phone number or email posted is often the personal contact information for the CAP member.  All of our members are volunteers and try to respond to membership inquiries as soon as possible, so please give them a few days to respond.  If you encounter a wrong number or incorrect email address or otherwise have difficulty contacting the local unit, please email us through the Contact page for assistance.


Step 3. Visit a meeting


The best way to learn more about CAP is to attend a meeting.  You’ll have a chance to see how meetings are run and what types of activities are available.  You should visit all the squadrons that are convenient to you.  Each squadron has a different leadership, culture and volunteer opportunities. 


Step 4. Membership Application


The local CAP squadron should provide you with a membership application, fingerprint card (for adults), inform you of the amount of annual dues, and if they require any squadron dues.   Cadets can now apply online - ask your squadron for more information.


Download the membership applications here:         SENIOR          CADET


Once CAP receives your application package, it is date stamped and processed in order by the date it arrived. Applications are usually processed the next business day after arriving at National Headquarters. 

The member will receive an automated welcome email when the membership is processed.

Official Newark Composite Squadron Website

Copyright © 2018 Civil Air Patrol - United States Air Force Auxiliary, Newark Composite Squadron. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Links or references to individuals or companies does not constitute an endorsement of any information, product or service you may receive from such sources.

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